Soderbergh’s Unsane Review

Steven Soderbergh makes movies about just about every topic, from narcotics to space aliens to stripping to casino heists, but one of the subjects he keeps coming back to is the medical profession, and how absolutely terrifying it can be. Side Effects found the phobias in the prescription drug industry, Contagion watched with morbid fascination as the  world fell prey to a deadly virus, and now Unsane wants you to know just how easy it can be to get held captive by the mental health industry. Literally.

Claire Foy stars as Sawyer Valentini, a banker who just moved to a new town to escape her stalker, and who – understandably – is having trouble managing that trauma. She sees a therapist at a nearby clinic, and admits she has sometimes contemplated suicide, and so she’s told to fill out a boilerplate form.

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