Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Won’t Have Fast-Travel, But There Is A Reason

Much like the Metroid Prime games it takes inspiration from, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order doesn’t have a fast-travel system. If you’re looking to leave the planet you’re currently on, you’ll need to retrace your steps back to your ship.

“A lot of the game is traversal, re-traversal, and exploration,” Fallen Order producer Blair Brown said, according to USG. “Not having fast travel encourages the player to go off the beaten path; find quick routes, and master the level. Also as you play through you’ll see some stuff that you wouldn’t if you fast traveled through the critical path every time.”

To assist in navigating each world, there are certain landmarks on every planet in Fallen Order that you can use to help orient yourself. A careful eye will most likely notice the dragon-like Bynog making its roost on a faraway bridge when first visiting Bogano, for example. And as you continue to explore the new Star Wars planet, your efforts will bring you closer and closer to him. “He’s a really good landmark,” Fallen Order combat designer Jason De Heras said. “He’s there to spark interest.”

Though Fallen Order won’t have a traditional fast-travel system, it remains to be seen whether the game adopts a quick-travel system similar to what’s seen in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. In Metroid Prime 3, you could not fast-travel back to Samus’ ship. You had to make your way back to it every time you wanted to go off-world. However, on each planet, you could venture off the beaten path and occasionally discover landing platforms for Samus’ ship to dock at. This way, you could change where you would have to backtrack to once you were done exploring. There’s no confirmation that Fallen Order will do the same, but given that Respawn has repeatedly said the Metroid Prime trilogy is an influence in the Star Wars game’s development, it’s at least a possibility.

During a recent preview event, we got three hours of hands-on time with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order–giving us a better idea as to what to expect for protagonist Cal Kestis’ journey as a Jedi Padawan, Fallen Order’s “thoughtful combat” and challenging but fair encounters, and metroidvania influences. Overall, the game isn’t groundbreaking, but it still manages to be exciting. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order launches for Xbox One, PS4, and PC on November 15.